Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dark Moon

The new moon rises today, and again she embarks on her journey to appear whole again. The waxing moon, time to make fresh starts. Time to begin all those new projects I have spent the last two weeks dreaming up!

My recent experiment with deliberately slowing down during the moon's waning phase was a definite success! I spent the early days finishing off smaller projects, after that I was able to spend some quality time working on my Purla Vest, which is my only major WIP. I find that usually I get so caught up in starting new projects that my major WIPs fall by the wayside. It was good to make some real progress on the vest, now completion feels more within reach.

Yesterday as the final day of the waning phase, I set aside even the Purla Vest and spent the day tidying up my workspaces, unravelling never-to-be-finished-objects, finishing off small mending tasks, and packing away any bits and pieces which had been left out from projects undertaken during the month. I think this final step was an important one in the process as it allows me to start the new creativity cycle with a clear mind and clear space.

During the two-weeks, however, I did generate an A4 page chocked full of ideas for new projects I'd like to start... But I think it is good to have that pause between idea and action because it has allowed me to give more consideration to each project and how or even if I will actually begin it.

I can see there are definite benefits to living in this cycle of activity-reflection and the moon is a poetic way to keep track of where you are in that cycle. I will keep up this experiment and see to see if it has the beneficial impact on my life that I expect it will.

Here was the list of limits I set myself for the waning phase:

- No new sewing/knitting/craft projects
- No trying new recipes
- No making major purchases
- No making major decisions
- No starting new books.

I have come to realise that while it is fun and exciting to try "new" things, it is also somewhat stressful, and that it is nice to have a time without novelty to allow proper reflection. I feel to date that adequate time spent in reflection has been absent from my life, which is why this process has been so valuable to me.

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